At Buttercups Childcare we strongly believe that a child’s early years are the most important years of their lives. Our team have a strong desire to create a learning community where children feel loved and respected while reaching their full potential and becoming independent, confident individuals who respect themselves and others.
We aim to:
· Create a warm and nurturing environment in which children feel physically and emotionally safe.
· Support the development of our practitioners so that they are confident Key people who understand their children’s individual needs and interests and can use these as a basis to enhance learning and development.
· Instil in children a lifetime love of learning and wonder in the world around them.
· Provide unique and exciting opportunities and experiences which promote children’s holistic development and growth.
· Develop close and supportive relationships with parents to enable us to form respectful and meaningful home/nursery partnerships.
If you are interested in your child attending Bar Hill Day Nursery, please feel free to complete the booking form and send it back to us.
For more information, please have a look at our Brochure.
Booking Form (docx)
DownloadPlease download the document below for our current nursery fees structure.